Where Have I Been?! [Update]

Where Have I Been?! [Update]

It’s been awhile!


Honestly, I had lost track of how much time had passed since I decided to take a blogging break. I thought I owed it to my readers and friends to let you know where I’ve been, what I have planned for the future, and what’s going on in my pretty little head. Read more

Blogging Break

Blogging Break

Happy Sunday everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that I will be taking a break from blogging for a little while. I know it will be a minimum of a couple of weeks, but it may be longer. I’ve just been very stressed lately and blogging has become something that I have to tick off on my to-do list. I started blogging as something that would be fun and never wanted it to become something I had to do so, for my sanity and the quality of my work, I’m taking a break.

I thank all of you for your support!! I’ll still be lurking around on social media and reading others’ blogs, I just won’t be writing new content temporarily.

Love you all! ❤


Let’s get social!




Valentine’s Day 2016

Valentine’s Day 2016

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you! I hope you have a great day filled with love and happiness. Valentine’s Day shouldn’t just be about couples, but celebrate all love in your life. The love of friends, parents, siblings… anyone!


Thankfully, I’m off work today so the Hubby and I will probably just take a much needed relaxation day. I’ll see you again on Tuesday! ❤


Let’s get social!




The Beauty Blogger Award

The Beauty Blogger Award

the beauty blogger award

I’ve been nominated not once, but twice for The Beauty Blogger Award! Once was by Just Being Julz and the other was by All About Leanne. Each time I’m nominated for one of these blogger awards, I’m so happy and flattered that my little blog is getting recognition from other bloggers. I may not be able to do every single one, but I try my best!

The rules for The Beauty Bloggers Award are to answer the questions given, nominate 10 other beauty or fashion bloggers, and give them questions. Read more

Goodbye 2015!

Goodbye 2015!

2015 was definitely a whirlwind of a year for me personally. The 2015 Spring semester of college seems like it was ages ago. Some great and likewise not-so-great things happened this year, but I try to continue with the thought that everything happens for a reason.

2015 was also the year that I decided to try blogging. I went into it with the intentions of just having a little place to put my thoughts down, but a few hundred followers later and I’m in awe. I really can’t believe that so many people think that my blog is interesting enough to subscribe to. I’m truly thankful for each one of you and hope that I can make The Pretty Pomegranate even better and brighter in the new year.

I wish you all the very best and will see you in 2016!


Let’s get social!




Merry Christmas! (& the Giveaway Winner!!)

Merry Christmas! (& the Giveaway Winner!!)

I’m wishing all of you a wonderful Christmas and hope that you are able to spend it with those you love. I, unfortunately, am spending the holidays sick this year with plenty of rest and fluids. Thankfully, I have an amazing husband that takes care of me!

I also wanted to announce the winner of the collaborative #HolidayHaute giveaway that ended a few days ago that I did with Avec Valerie, What Julie Says, Everything & Nothin’, Devyn Pearle, and caniputitonmyface. The winner is…



…. Read more

Sheet Mask Marathon Day 2: Nature Republic Snail

Sheet Mask Marathon Day 2: Nature Republic Snail

Welcome to day two of my Sheet Mask Marathon! If you aren’t up to date, you can check out my intro post here and also day one, which highlighted Etude House’s Tea Tree mask.

Let’s get started!

Today is all about the snail. If you haven’t already delved into the k-beauty world, then you may not have heard of snail as a beauty ingredient orrr… you have and thought “gross!”. But before marking it off as atrocious, think about the science behind it. Read more

The Lovely Blog Award

The Lovely Blog Award

Blogging has been incredibly fun, a challenge, and a learning experience all wrapped up into one. So it makes me feel amazing when I’m nominated for an award by a fellow blogger. I have been nominated for multiples of awards and, while I’m not opposed to doing multiples of an award, I have limited blogging time now (essentially one day) and it would be near impossible for me to do it. So if you’ve nominated me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for it and know that I appreciate it and you!

This award is a new one: The Lovely Blog Award. I was nominated by the gorgeous Janine at A Beautiful Whim. She is fabulous as has amazing tips, hauls, and ideas to satisfy the beauty lover in you. While writing this, I was also nominated for The Lovely Blog Award by Samantha from Beauty, Brains, And Biceps.  Thank you! 🙂 Read more