The Beautiful Blogger Award

The Beautiful Blogger Award

Hey guys! Happy Friday!! Any plans for the weekend?

I was nominated for another award! For this one, I was nominated by Online Beauty Finds for the Beautiful Blogger Award. She has such a cool blog and as an online-shopping fiend, is right up my alley! So go check her out!


To those that have nominated me for other awards, I do apologize. Everything’s been crazy hectic this entire summer. I genuinely appreciate all of the nominations, but can only do a few at a time right now. But, sincerely, thank you!

The rules are:

  • State who nominated you
  • Answer questions given
  • Tell us 7 random facts
  • Nominate 10 beauty or fashion bloggers
  • Make up 10 questions for your nominees to answer
  • Let the bloggers know you nominated them

Here are my questions:

Your Questions:

1. What is your all-time favourite mascara?

I still have yet to find a mascara that I unconditionally love. I feel like it’s a bit like searching for a unicorn. Does it even exist?! Right now I’ve been using Ulta’s Volumizing Mascara (you can read my review), but I still don’t have a holy grail mascara. *sigh*

2. How often do you wear makeup?

I wear mascara mostly when I go out (school, work, out with friends, etc). When I’m at home, I let my skin breathe. If I’m not really going “out”, but just to the grocery store or to run errands, I may or may not do makeup. Depends on my mood. 🙂

3. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

There’s so much that I love, really! I started to just share my opinions about the products (specifically Korean brands) that I was using. Then I really fell in love with the community. Now I’m having fun playing photographer (albeit an amateur)!

4. Name one beauty product that you wish you had.

This is so hard! I have a long list of products on my wish list right now, but I guess if I had to choose just one it would be the Su:m37 Miracle Rose Cleansing Stick. It looks amazing, so unique, and has great reviews!

5. What shades of lipsticks do you wear most often?

I gravitate towards pinkish nudes for lipstick, but I do have a tinted balm that I wear often that’s a light red/deep pink.

6. What is your favourite makeup trend?

I’m so glad “strobing” is in right now! It’s really just highlighting, but I’ve always been a fan of highlighting and I don’t like contouring for myself so this makes it easier on me. 😉

7. Blue or green eyeshadow?

Purple! Wait… haha! I suppose green. I can never seem to make blue look quite right on me.

8. What is your least favourite part of applying makeup?

I think it’s all pretty fun, honestly. I guess it would be concealing/blending my acne areas. If I have one particular spot that’s flaring up, it’s a pain in my you-know-what to conceal just right. Half the time I half do it and just say whatever.

9. Liquid or gel liner?

Ugh. I suck at liner. I guess gel. Either way I suck. haha!!

10. Do you wear falsies? If so, which are your favourite(s)?

Only for special occasions. I like Red Cherry because the quality is decent without breaking the bank (because, you know… I wear them like, once a year). I don’t remember the specific number, but I go for something understated even when they are false.

I was also nominated for this same award by R Cubed! Here are her questions:

1. What makeup do you wear on a regular day (e.g. before heading to school/work)?

I usually keep it light for everyday. I’ll use a BB cream or cushion compact (reviews soon!!), concealer, setting powder, blush/highlighter, and keep my eyes soft. I may or may not do eyeshadow.

2. When was your last beauty splurge and what did you purchase?

I’m not a big “splurger”, really. I might get a good sized haul, but I’m pretty thrifty. On that note, my biggest haul recently was a ton of sheet masks off of Ebay. I have a sheet mask addiction!

3. Help! I’m looking for a new eyeliner, preferably one that’s long lasting and works well for lids that tend to get oily. What would you recommend?

I don’t wear eyeliner a whole lot anymore, but when I do, I use Avon’s Glimmersticks. They tend to hold up fairly well. I’ve found that setting your liner with a similarly colored eyeshadow does wonders, though!

4. Water lining. With it or over it?

Bleh. I used to looooove it, but now I’m favoring more natural, soft looks. I’ll line my waterline occasionally, though.

5. Describe your go to “casual” outfit.

I’m a jeans and tee kind of girl. I may switch it up for a skirt or a cute top, but I’m all about comfort!

6. Do you call jean leggings “jeggings” *cringes*? Be honest!

Yes!! haha! No shame. (Well, a little but not enough to stop 😉 )

7. What’s your all time favorite beauty brand?

This is hard because I’m not really loyal to one brand. I like a lot of Ulta’s stuff, Murad, Skinfood, Etude House… I mean, there’s a ton of brands I love, but am not really loyal to them.

8. You’re stuck on a deserted island. What beauty product will you take with you? You can only take 1!

For skincare, it would be a moisturizer. I can’t live without one! For makeup, it would be my Acne Treatment Concealer from Murad.

9. When it comes to jewelry, do you prefer silver or gold?

I used to hate gold, but I’m really digging it now. I still like silver, though.

10. Who’s your celebrity style muse, if any?

Hmm… this one is hard, too. I guess Emma Watson because I don’t think there’s much I’ve seen her in that I wouldn’t wear myself.

Here are 7 random facts about myself:

1. I lived in Cuba for a short time when I was a baby.

2. I am absolutely terrified of cockroaches. Seriously. I’ve cried and/or had a panic attack before. I just can’t.

3. I have a couple dozen different nail polishes but hardly ever do anything other than pink on my toes.

4. I like shopping for (most) stuff online instead of in person. I feel like I can be pickier online.

5. I can’t swim underwater without holding my nose! Embarrassing!

6. When I’m upset I clean.

7. I’ll be applying for my first year at a university in a couple of months and I’m so nervous!!!

Okay, that’s all for me. Here’s my nominees! (My apologies if you’ve been nominated before or don’t like doing awards.) Feel free to do whichever set of questions (or both!) that you want. 🙂

1. Lipstick Lovely

2. BeautyandtheCat’s Beauty Blog

3. Unboxing Beauty

4. A Red Lip And A Nude Shoe

5. A More BeYOUtiful You

6. The Rose Beauty Files

7. Shades of Beauty

8. Skincare Dreams Come True

9. Shayfabs

10. Claire–My life In Words

There you have it, folks! I hope you enjoyed the Q and A today! If you’d like, be sure to visit my Facebook and Twitter pages as well!

12 thoughts on “The Beautiful Blogger Award

  1. Thank you so much for nominating me, Yazzi! I really appreciate it!! I love Emma Watson’s style, too! And she’s so gorgeous I just love everything about her including her clothes! lol I’m loving strobing right now as well! It makes life so much easier not contouring! haha Great post, I loved reading more about you! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Double congrats on the award!
    That Su:m37 Miracle Rose Cleansing Stick does sound really neat. I’d like to try it one day too.
    That’s so cool you lived in Cuba – are Americans not allowed to visit Cuba still? I remember that’s what I was told when I went there.
    Cleaning is totally therapeutic! I feel like I do a better job scrubbing when I’m angry LOL. 😀
    Good luck with applying to university – don’t sweat it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Yes, I’ve definitely been lusting over that Su:m 37 cleansing stick. I’ve had my mouse over the Order button quite a few times! haha! I think the ban on Cuba was lifted just recently by Obama, but I’m not 100% sure. And thank about university! I’m really excited but also terrified of rejection! Thanks so much for reading 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow thanks for the nomination, Yazzi ❤
    It is very cute that you need to hold your nose when you swim! And so happy for you to start your new life at university, it would be wonderful! Enjoy it lovely 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. haha! We’ll think of it as cute, then 😉 I always think of it as childish and embarrassing, but I’ve tried to learn how to swim without holding my nose and I just fail. hahahaha! Thank you so much for stopping by and I look forward to seeing your answers as well! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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