Etude House Green Tea Nose Pack–Review

Etude House Green Tea Nose Pack–Review

I’m not a huge nose pack/strip connoisseur. In an attempt to rid my nose of blackheads during my teen years, I tried dozens of different nose strips. My mom actually gave me some of these Etude House Green Tea Nose Packs to try as she preferred another brand. I didn’t expect too much, but I was quite surprised!

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I’m not really sure if ingredients matter too much in a product like this, but it is nice to know that there’s actual green tea leaf extract as well as witch hazel and aloe leaf extracts.

To use, like any other nose patch, you cleanse your face, leaving your nose damp. Then apply the patch and wait to dry for about fifteen minutes. Once dry, you carefully peel the patch off your skin.

What I think is kind of dorkily cool is that the product is actually green. Usually they’re just white or black (charcoal based). The scent isn’t really my cup of tea. It’s a strong, slightly herbal scent, but (despite really loving herbal scented skin care), I just don’t like it. That’s weird because many other reviewers online say that that’s one of the selling points for them. Oh well, to each his own, I guess.

Compared to other nose strips, I thought the Etude House Green Tea Nose Pack was much stickier, therefore it removed much more gunk. It obviously didn’t remove everything that was clogging my pores, but it helped to smooth out my skin, remove some blackheads, and help diminish the amount of clogged pores I had. I don’t think nose strips are miracle workers by a long shot, but if I’m going to use them, I prefer these over any others so far.

I give the Etude House Green Tea Nose Pack 3.5 pomegranates. It was better than average, but I don’t really buy nose strips and this one hasn’t convinced me to start.


You can get your own Green Tea Nose Packs from Etude House’s website here or on Amazon here.

What type of nose strips/packs have you tried?


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